Monday, September 15, 2008

Girl-crush: Tina Fey

Everyone's talking about the great Palin-Clinton paraody from SNL this weekend so I'll be the only blogger not to imbed the clip in my post today. I will admit that I have a huge girl-crush on Tina Fey. Were I talented and brave enough to consider writing for a living, I'd like to think I'd be like her. I'd also like to think that if we ever met, we would totally get one another and we would be great friends. I know, like, how many years did I just regress there?

Moving on...

So, I've been paying attention off and on through this marathon presidential campaign. I missed both the RNC and DNC pep rallies on account of my move but today re-engaged by reading some commentary by a nakedly liberal blogger which had links to a review/analysis by Slate of Palin's showing during her interview with Charlie Gibson. I fell in love with Slate 6 years ago when it was my job to be much better informed than I am now and their Today's Papers feature was a great overview of what was being reported in the U.S. media. I don't know whether it leans left or right (and suspect that I will be pummeled about the head and shoulders by the colleagues I've invited to join me here if they see how ignorant I am about such things), but it seemed to me that they did a good job of at least appearing, to borrow a phrase from our friends at Fox, "fair and balanced." However, after Gram Masta Flash (no, that is not a misspelling) professed his e-crush for Slate, it got me thinking...hmmm, perhaps it is impossible to write without bias. Perhaps there is no such animal as "fair and balanced." It reminds me of the movie Rashomon

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